color-blocks-2Business Plan

A Business Plan is a structured investment project, reflected in a document with the purpose to explain the project to outside entities, such as financial institutions, business partners, venture capital companies, fund managing agencies, among others.

In order to sustain a reasoned investment decision and to be able to transmit the feasibility of such an idea to others, a Business Plan provides accuracy and professionalism to the ideas of our clients and enhances the credibility and security for investors who are not familiarized with the sector.

color-blocks-5PT2020 Applications

PT2020 is the name of the new Framework Agreement between Portugal and the European Commission that defines the principles of economic development programs to promote social and territorial cohesion between 2014 and 2020 in Portugal.

Incentive systems of PT2020 are attributed by Calls, where companies present their investment projects through applications. Given the high selectivity, stringent assessment parameters and reduced periods for applying, this service enables companies’ strong savings in both time and moneys.

color-blocks-2Public Sector Support

This type of service comes up frequently associated with autonomous services of public interest traditionally performed by municipalities: water and sanitation, waste collection, exploration of cultural venues, among others.

We work on a regular basis with those entities and our knowledge and past experience gives us a high level of confidence that enables us to maintain lasting relationships with such clients.

color-blocks-5Development Banks

With annual budgets of several billion euros, the Multilateral Development Banks promote many initiatives in countries where they operate, including large Public Works such as bridges, dams and roads.

In order to simplify the hiring process in projects funded by these institutions for companies, the rules of procurement and selection procedures were harmonized to standardize the procurement process. Our role is to support and advise our clients throughout the process, always defending their interests.

color-blocks-2Management Consulting

A company or organization can be defined as a complex set of structures of different kinds (physical, technological, organizational and demographic) in interaction with the people that are part of it.

This complex and permanent interaction activity creates pulses that constitute the operation of an organization. We can identify and measure the difference between desired production and verified production, this differential corresponding to production inefficiencies. The goal of management consulting is to obtain the desired output level through the correct weighting of resources available with the practices of competitors and market prices.

color-blocks-5Recovery Plans (Insolvency)

Following the Decree-Law No. 53/2004 approving the Insolvency Code and Corporate Recovery and consequent professionalization of this activity, a new professional class was created with personal responsibilities in the management process of companies in insolvency.

Insolvency Administrators, representing the creditors in a process often have to analyze the viability of the business in question and the need for a recovery plan to present to the Committee members that are representing.
Triconsulte has the skills required to develop a plan that provides a sufficient source of information to creditors on how to reimburse their debts while defending the interests of their clients.

color-blocks-2Transfer Prices Reports

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 58 of the CIRC code (Portuguese tax on corporate income guidelines), whenever there are trade relations between "related parties", the entities operating in the Portuguese market must have a "Transfer Prices Fiscal Dossier" properly organized where one can verify the legality of prices "intra-group".

Multinationals based in Portugal (or operating in Portugal with headquarters abroad) are obliged to have a dossier if the turnover exceeds € 3 million. Penalties could range up to 100,000 €. With experienced technicians in Economic and Tax areas, Triconsulte elaborates "Transfer Prices Fiscal Dossiers" for firms operating in the Portuguese market.

color-blocks-5Internationalization Strategy

In the globalized world of today, internationalization is no longer a strategic option and has become a necessity for companies that want to remain competitive.

However, more than ever, this decision has to be thought out, designed and operated carefully with the aim of exporting the entire know-how in order to replicate it (with adaptations) in international markets.

This service consists in assisting the client to leverage the strengths, using opportunities for improvement, strengthen the response to threats and seize the opportunities that exist, thereby creating a system to sustain and improve the provision of services / products of the company and its competitive position.

color-blocks-2Production processes improvement

The service offered is aimed at improving industrial performance by optimizing existing assets.

The methodology followed begins with a situation diagnosis whose purpose is to detect sources of problems, analyze the maintenance condition of the equipment and determine if there are asphyxiations in the production process. The aim is to simultaneously optimize the operational availability of assets and productive capacity thus increasing the production time, reducing losses and improving the hourly rate of production.

Our Performance

QREN success rate
PT2020 success rate
Customer loyalty
Satisfaction survey